Friday, September 3, 2010

its been to long.

hello old friend, i should really come and visit you more often. My life as of now has just been so crazy, and ... new? Yes new, thats the word im looking for. School just started and at the beginning of every school year i find myself looking back at the changes i have gone threw, physically emotionally and mentally. Being a junior in high school, as of now i have been focusing on my freshman and sophomore years and how much i have changed in my outlook on life and my beliefes.

Freshman year i was just plain awkward. As most freshman are, but i was a bit more awkward then your normal freshie in the begaining. I had my own sheltered group of friends that at the time where alot like me, that group of friends is now more broken up but the good ones have stuck with me till now, but i have also picked up more along my way. Seeing my little brother in highschool, his first year, i wanna help him and make sure he doesnt make the same mistakes i did, but i know he doesnt really need it. I realize now how much of a man he is becoming and how smart and strong he really is, in some ways i look up to him. I wish i could make someone smile, help out, be as paitent, and caring like he is. Now me and him dont always get along but i really do love him and i wish i could be that smart as a freshman.

Sophomore year is where i ran into alot of my troubles but looking back now it has mad me stronger and has taught me lessons.

im just happy that God has brought me to the place i am with him and in my live, and to know that he has brought me here with purpose. I am his and he will lead me, help me, and save me by his grace.

live life. love God.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

so i had to write a hero paper and i know that my teacher wont like it because i used the words me and i a lot but its how i write and i think i did pretty good on this so enjoy.

What is a hero? The Dictionary definition says: a person of distinguished courage or ability, admired for their brave deeds and noble qualities. But for me that isn’t the only qualities a hero must have. Honesty, trustworthiness, and obedience are a few of the additional words that come to mind. Picturing someone with heroic qualities that are important to me, and a person or people I would like to write about, took me a while. For me it’s not about how many votes you earned or the people you impressed. It’s about the hearts you have touched and the people you care for. Putting all of those qualities together I tried to picture a person who would fit that description. So I started thinking. I don’t think of a deceased person that I have never met that might be a completely ignorant person. I think of people living in the now, someone who gets you thinking, and someone who will leave their footprint when they leave. It finally came to me. Soldiers. It just seemed right. The two words – soldier & hero - seem to match each other. When I think of the word hero, I see soldiers walking bearing the flag of our wonderful country. Weather it is Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines, or Coast Guard, they portray my idea of selfless in a way that most people could never understand, knowing that they are working for peace with every breath they take.
Having my brother as a soldier in the American Army, and many of my friends in the Marines and Air Force, I have had so many important experiences that helped me understand the comradely spirit and leadership qualities that almost all soldiers of the armed forces have. Seeing the way they march, stand, speak…everything is done together as one unit, a unit that protects as one. It’s inspirational to watch the proud faces, and hear all the stories behind the reasons they have chosen to risk their lives for the freedom of our country. It is as if they were an orchestra. When you see them working together they make beautiful music, but when you hear them individually they have their own sound or story. A story that leaves a trace and makes you think.
It overpowers me to think that a stranger, a person that has never met me or seen me, is willing to take the chance to fight for me, to give me the ability to have my own religion, my own thought, my own actions, and no fear for my life because of those beliefs. I am inspired, encouraged, and motivated by these young men and women. I am proud to say that I live in the land of the free, because of the brave.

live life. love God.